Posts tagged news 2022
Handbook "Games und Recht"

We are pleased to have contributed to the handbook "Games und Recht" with our articles on "Influencer Marketing and Influencer Contracts" (Ralph Oliver Graef) and "Trademark and Work Title Law" (Christian Rauda). On more than 560 pages, there is concentrated legal know-how on the topics of publishing, marketing, business models, licenses, youth protection, data protection, copyright, employment contracts, trademark law and promotion.

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NewsNadine Freuernews, news 2022
Filmfest Hamburg - All you need is law am 04.10.2022

Im Rahmen des Filmfests Hamburg findet am 4. Oktober 2022 als Teil der “All you need is Law”-Veranstaltungsreihe der MOIN Filmförderung in Kooperation mit den Medienrechtskanzleien GRAEF, UNVERZAGT und VON HAVE FEY die folgende Panel-Diskussion im CinemaxX Dammtor statt:

Kopf oder Zahl: Die Qual der Wahl?
Tax Credit vs. Investitionsverpflichtung

Im Koalitionsvertrag der Ampel-Regierung stehen beide Modelle gleichwertig nebeneinander. Dabei haben es die Unterschiede in sich: Sind steuerliche Anreizmodelle der benötigte Push für die Filmbranche oder sollen die großen Streaming-Plattformen zu mehr Investitionen in den deutschen Filmmarkt verpflichtet werden? Oder liegt die Lösung eventuell sogar in der Mitte? In kurzen Impulsvorträgen geben Anne Baumgärtel von Deloitte und Klaus Goldhammer von Goldmedia einen Einblick in die beiden Modelle. Während Baumgärtel auf die Vorteile von Tax Credits-Modell eingeht, stellt Goldhammer die Ergebnisse seiner „Plattform-Studie“ vor, die die Einführung einer Investitionsverpflichtung befürwortet. Im Anschluss diskutieren Katharina Hiersemenzel (Constantin Film), Christian Sommer (Motion Picture Association) und Malte Grunert (Amusement Park Films). Die Moderation übernimmt Ulrich Höcherl, Herausgeber und Chefredakteur von Blickpunkt:Film (Medienpartner).

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Thank you Legal500 for honoring our efforts to offer the best advice possible to our clients.

GRAEF Rechtsanwälte offers 'excellent advice on data protection, trademark and copyright law' and has ' immense expertise in media law, film, TV and video games'. Especially in relation to video games law, the practice is considered 'one of Germany's top boutiques'. Ralph Oliver Graef's team excels, among other matters, in assisting with numerous international motion picture productions and representing clients in proceedings pertaining to filming and music rights as well as copyright disputes. Christian Rauda is well respected in the video games industry.

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Media Law International 2022

Media Law International ranks our firm as follows: “GRAEF is one of the top law firms for entertainment law, media law and IP law. It focuses on clients from the film and television, book publishing, computer games, and live entertainment industries, as well as on public figures. Managed by Ralph Oliver Graef, the firm has exceptional experience in the financing and production of national and international films, as well as the vetting of scripts and manuscripts. Additional specialties include the right to freedom of expression, litigation PR and data protection. Clients praise the team for its top-notch legal advice, its hands-on approach and its exceptionally high success rate in court.”

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The Legal 500 Handbook 2022 once again recognizes GRAEF Rechtsanwälte as one of Germany's leading law firms for the areas of "Media/Entertainment" and "Gaming". 

Legal 500 states: "GRAEF Rechtsanwälte offers 'excellent advice on data protection, trademark and copyright law' and has 'immense expertise in media law, film, TV and video games'. Especially for video game law, the firm is considered 'one of Germany's top boutiques'. Ralph Oliver Graef's team is noted for, among other things, advising on many international feature film productions and representing clients in lawsuits over film rights, music rights and copyrights. Christian Rauda is highly regarded in the video game industry."

Our clients have commented on our work as follows: "Communication with the GRAEF team is excellent. Responses are fast, brief, and concise, and solutions are always pragmatic. The team always works in a time-effective and solution-oriented manner."

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